What you need to know about Drush 10 & what's coming next
What’s new in Drush 10 - Why Drush over Drupal Console? - The future of Drush: Drush in core? Conclusion In the first part of our two-part blog series on Drush 10, we covered the fascinating history of Drush and how it came to become one of the most successful projects in the Drupal ecosystem. After all, many of us know many of the most common Drush commands by heart, and it’s difficult to imagine a world without Drush when it comes to Drupal’s developer experience. Coming on the heels of Drupal 8.8, Drush 10 introduces a variety of new questions about the future of Drush, even as it extends Drush’s robustness many years into the future. Your correspondent ( Preston So , Editor in Chief at Tag1 and author of Decoupled Drupal in Practice ) had the unique opportunity to discuss Drush’s past, present, and future with Drush maintainer Moshe Weitzman (Senior Technical Architect at Tag1), Fabian Franz (Senior Technical Architect and Performance Lead at Tag1), and Michael Meyers (Managing Director at Tag1), as part of the Tag1 Team Talks series at Tag1 Consulting , our biweekly webinar and podcast series. In the conclusion to this two-part blog series,... Read more
Mon, 02/17/2020 - 22:06