Ulterior Motives
This post isn't technically a part of my Line by Line series of posts, but I thought I would share an ulterior motive for starting to write the posts.
At a practical level it is about re-familiarizing myself and other with all the things that go on during a typical page load in Drupal. A lot of things have changed in Drupal 7 so this is a worthwhile exercise.
But a lot of things haven't changed. Some really fundamental things.
Part of what I'm doing is shining a flashlight in some dark corners of code and thinking about how they could be better or different. Before I can think about actually changing things I need to fully grok why things are the way they are and make sure changes are worthwhile and not just changes for the sake of change.
I'm not sure what will become of all this, but its a personal pet project I've been thinking about for a while and I decided to start acting on it.