Taxonomy Term Status Module
I work on a Drupal application which utilizes Drupal taxonomy for grouping products on the front page. A view displays an image for each product grouping, allowing users to click through and view products in the selected category.
I thought this setup was great until my project manager requested a way to easily "hide" product categories on the front page. I told her that she could "simply" remove the taxonomy terms assigned to each product in the grouping, but I knew how ridiculous that sounded. Also, she wanted to retain the grouping in case the client requested to reuse the grouping in the future.
I thought about how nice it would be if I could unpublish a taxonomy term just as I do nodes. After a few minutes of searching, I found the Taxonomy Term Status module. This gem of a module includes number of features which were very helpful to my project:
- Presents a status checkbox (publish/unpublish) on each term edit form
- Each vocabulary edit form has a checkbox to set the default publish state of new terms
- Views integration for taxonomy based views (filter on term status)
- Configuration area to enable term status so unpublished terms are hidden. There is also a button to rebuild missing status records.
I was able to fulfill my project manager's request by filtering the front page view on taxonomy term status (Published). When a term is unpublished, the image representing the category disappears from the front page! If you are looking for this kind of functionality, you should give Taxonomy Term Status a look.
Check out the screenshots below for examples of Taxonomy Term Status module usage.
Taxonomy Term Status configuration page
Taxonomy Term Status publishing options
Taxonomy Term Status vocabulary options
Views-Taxonomy Term Status published filter (filter selection modal)
Views-Taxonomy Term Status published filter
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