Talking Performance at DrupalCamp Ottawa
I'd like to thank all of the DrupalCamp Ottawa organizers. Everything appeared to run smoothly, and there was a great turnout for the second annual event.
I gave a presentation on Drupal performance to a completely-packed room. Either the subject matter interested a lot of people, or the room was too small. From my perspective, it's difficult to say which, but I'd like to think my topic was something folks wanted to hear.
As promised, my slides are now available on this blog post and the session page.
If you missed it, I'm planning to give this talk again at the Western NY State Drupal Mini-Camp, and if it gets accepted, DrupalCon Austin. If you'd like to see it there (or can't make it, but still think it's a great topic), please show your support by commenting on the session page. Hopefully, this will persuade the track team to accept it!
File(s): 2014-03-14 - DrupalCamp Ottawa - Performance Optimization Options & Checklist.pdf