Speaking at DrupalCon NOLA
This was my 8th DrupalCon (and I’ve been lucky to have spoken at 5 of them) and Holly Ross’ comment really rings true: it always feels like coming home. As someone who does this as a regular part of my job, I attend a lot of different design and web-focused events. But there’s something amazing about going to a conference of 3,000+ and feeling like I know half the people there already—and will know even more by the time I leave—that hits home every time. Getting the chance to experience that with six of my new colleagues made it even better.
For me, type has always been about the blending of art and science, design and technical implementation. That’s what keeps me inspired to push both the thinking and the doing all the time. Drupal is like that too: it’s a blend of platform, enabling technology, prototyping tool and community hub. I can’t think of a better place to be.
(and the icing on the cake? My talk was featured in O’Reilly’s Web Newsletter on May 18th!)
Files: Once Upon a Drop Cap