SooperThemes Drupal Themes
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SooperThemes is a theme shop, selling premium Drupal themes. SooperThemes developed their sixth Drupal re-design to go with a completely new product line, based on our Glazed Drag and Drop theme.
As the oldest active Drupal themes shop, SooperThemes has been selling designs and contributing code to the community since 2007. We have used Drupal 6 with Ubercart and Drupal 7 with Commerce. For our newest website, we started with a clean slate and browsed the Drupal ecosystem for the most effective and maintainable tools to build the home for our new themes.
Traditionally, we have always used custom themes for our own website. This time, we built our website entirely with our own product. Our new theme is as much about its Drag and Drop site-building tools as it is about design. We could create a unique design by editing the many settings in the Glazed theme. Thereafter, we could design pages with the integrated visual drag and drop page builder. At no point did we miss Photoshop or our favorite code editor. Photography, text, and responsive design combine intuitively in the page builder, and everything is mobile-friendly out of the box.
Key modules/theme/distribution used: Drupal CMS Bootstrap 3 ProfileBootstrapModel EntitiesRecurlyOrganizations involved: SooperThemesTeam members: JurriaanRoelofs