SNEAK PREVIEW: Glazed 2.4 and Carbide Builder 1.0 – Biggest SooperThemes Update Ever
Later this week I will write a full blog post, with an overview of new features, new options and entirely new capabilities in the SooperThemes product line. For now: just a sneak preview. During the last 2 month fo 2015 we made a huge effort to produce the biggest update ever for our premium Drupal themes. As with any big software adventure, we had a quick and productive start, then some setbacks on difficult components, and then some setbacks on small details that turned out to be –not so small–
Over the coming 2 weeks we will publish more content, covering the new capabilities in detail and with illustration. For now just a sneak preview and a list of changes that I will scrape from the commit log. Happy 2016 from sooperthemes!
Our free open source variant also got a huge upgrade and a new free version of the premium theme:
Introducing Carbide Builder 1.0
The success of glazed theme was as much in its design components as in the integration with our partner's drag and drop builder: Azexo Composer. Unfortunately this project is not maintained anymore and the owner is now fully focussed on developing wordpress themes. This basically us to further its development internally. The result is Carbide Builder 1.0: A page builder that looks like it's predeccessor but is different mostly in that it's not buggy and has been streamlined and refactored for greater usability and performance.