Setting up a Reusable and DurableDrupal Lean Process Factory - Presentation 2/11/2015 at DrupalCon Latin America 2015
[para español ver más abajo]
The purpose of the presentation was to describe how to use reusable tools and processes, tailored and in constant evolution, in order to finally defeat waterfall and guarantee delivered value in the development of websites and web applications.
The following main topics were covered in depth:
- Kanban (not Scrum)
- Project Inception and Vision
- Team Kickoff
- Development Workflow with Everything in Code
- DevOps, Server Provisioning and Deployment
- User Validation
Links to resources:
- Slides (English):
- Video (Main Presentation, Spanish):
- Video (Ansible Playbook Drupal Installation Demo, Spanish): TO DO
- Video (Everything in code Demo, Spanish): TO DO
- Presentation page on DrupalCon Latin America website:
This is a huge amount of material, based on both my successful and unsuccessful experiences, and I earnestly hope it will help other web centered knowledge workers. If you have questions, please ask them on twitter @victorkane with hashtag #DurableDrupalLean.
There were quite a few other fascinating and very good presentations on the subject of Process and DevOps, overlapping my own substantially and it should be very worthwhile to share them here:
- Drupal 8 CMI on Managed Workflow -
- DevOps, por donde comenzar? -
- Best practices for Continuous Deployment with Drupal. -
- I Want it All and I Want it Now: Configuration Management and CI -
I greatly appreciate having had the opportunity to present at this incredibly important, fun and well-organized DrupalCon. See you all in Los Angeles and Rio de Janeiro!