SearchYourCloud Leads Advanced Search Results with Latest Patent
De-duplication delivers accurate, single search result set, eliminating need for multiple queries
SearchYourCloud (SYC), provider of real-time federated search for enterprise, today announces it has been granted a new patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for the sorting and de-duplication of a search query from multiple sources into a single search result. SYC’s new patent specifically allows for a search engine to receive multiple search results from one search query, process the input and remove duplicate results to generate one set of results for the user.
SYC is the only search provider to receive such a patent and now leads the market in advanced federated search results that can’t be duplicated by another search provider. The newly awarded patent combines with SYC’s 2013 Improved Search Engine patent, covering advanced search phrase terms, to create a unique approach to federated search. This capability is especially beneficial to enterprises searching for documents across cloud, desktops and multiple applications, as well as enterprises aggregating results from multiple sources for comparison of results.