Scott Reeves
I'm pleased to announce that Scott Reeves (Cottser on has accepted my invitation to become a provisional Drupal 8 committer. He will be focused on front-end and theming.
Scott has been working with Drupal for nearly 5 years, and has a strong passion around improving the theming experience of Drupal. Scott was a major force in the push for Twig and clean markup in Drupal 8 core, sharing both his technical expertise and his enthusiastic community-building to make Drupal 8's theme layer awesome. He helped lead the "Consensus Banana" initiative that solved a long-standing concern with how core provides classes and markup, and then helped add the Stable base theme so that Drupal core could provide backwards compatibility for themes in minor releases.
Scott has organized sprints and discussions at many DrupalCons, including the groundbreaking templating and performance testing sprint at DrupalCon Portland that allowed Twig to become Drupal's primary theme engine. He and others also organized a Drupal 8 Accelerate sprint on security criticals related to the theme system that were blocking Drupal 8's release, engaging novice contributors to fix the issues. Finally, Scott was previously a lead for the Drupal Core Contribution Mentoring program, mentoring dozens of other contributors on IRC, at sprints, etc. He is skilled at evaluating a problem, framing how it can be solved, and helping people solve it. In short: Scott has not only the strong technical abilities, but also the patient and supportive personality to make him an amazing fit for a core committer.
Scott's appointment as a core committer was enthusiastically endorsed from the rest of the Drupal 8 committers. Please join me in helping him feel welcome! And please also give thanks to his employer, Digital Echidna, who have agreed to partially sponsor his community time!