A Quick Guide to Achieving Stellar Results from Your Instagram Marketing Campaign
A Quick Guide to Achieving Stellar Results from Your Instagram Marketing Campaign
Terry Godier
Mon, 09/04/2017 - 07:58
With tens of millions of photos being shared daily on Instagram, the photo- and video-sharing platform offers you a great opportunity to reach a vast audience of your current and prospective customers. However, to capture their attention and convert that attention into sales, you need to post the right content. So, what do you post?
It is essential that you think carefully about the type of content you’re going to be posting on your feed before you decide on a visual style. One way to go – the one most common – is making your products or services the focal point of your content. Alternatively, you can choose to focus on your culture and community.
As an online business owner or brand marketer, your marketing strategy on Instagram should be to consistently post great-quality content for the purpose of building a strong brand identity as well as developing a deep connection with members of your online community. A lot of value can be drawn from one-on-one connections and interactions.
In light of the above, you can come up with a catchy hashtag that makes it possible for members of your community to share stories about ideas that they are personally and professionally passionate about. Instagram serves as a very effective platform for short-form content. There is, however, some room for long-form content that is highly relevant.
You might be surprised how well your audience responds to such a call and how deeply they might connect with the passionate content of others.