Portsmouth NH theme system critical sprint recap
In early June a Drupal 8 theme system critical issues sprint was held in Portsmouth, New Hampshire as part of the D8 Accelerate program.
The sprint started the afternoon of June 5 and continued until midday June 7.
Sprint goals
We set out to move forward the two (at the time) theme system criticals, #2273925: Ensure #markup is XSS escaped in Renderer::doRender (created May 24, 2014) and #2280965: [meta] Remove or document every SafeMarkup::set() call (created June 6, 2014).
The Drupal Association provided the D8 Accelerate grant which covered travel costs for joelpittet and Cottser.
Bowst provided the sprint space.
As part of its NHDevDays series of contribution sprints, the New Hampshire Drupal Group provided snacks and refreshments during the sprint, lunch and even dinner on Saturday.
Digital Echidna provided time off for Cottser.
xjm committed #2273925: Ensure #markup is XSS escaped in Renderer::doRender Sunday afternoon! xjm’s tweet sums things up nicely.
As for the meta (which is comprised of about 50 sub-issues), by the end of the sprint we had patches on over 30 of them, 3 had been committed, and 7 were in the RTBC queue.
Thanks to the continued momentum provided by the New Jersey sprint, as of this writing approximately 20 issues from the meta issue have been resolved.
Friday afternoon
peezy kicked things off with a brief welcome and acknowledgements. joelpittet and Cottser gave an informal introduction to the concepts and tasks at hand for the sprinters attending.
After that, leslieg on-boarded our Friday sprinters (mostly new contributors), getting them set up with Drupal 8, IRC, Dreditor, and so on. leslieg and a few others then went to work reviewing documentation around #2494297: [no patch] Consolidate change records relating to safe markup and filtering/escaping to ensure cross references exist.
Meanwhile in "critical central" (what we called the meeting room where the work on the critical issues was happening)…
lokapujya and joelpittet got to work on the remaining tasks of #2273925: Ensure #markup is XSS escaped in Renderer::doRender.
cwells and Cottser started the work on removing calls to SafeMarkup::set()
by working on #2501319: Remove SafeMarkup::set in _drupal_log_error, DefaultExceptionSubscriber::onHtml, Error::renderExceptionSafe.
Thai food was ordered in, and many of us continued working on issues late into the evening.
joelpittet and Cottser gave another brief introduction to keep new arrivals on the same page and reassert concepts from the day before.
leslieg did some more great on-boarding Saturday and worked with a handful of new contributors on implementing #2494297: [no patch] Consolidate change records relating to safe markup and filtering/escaping to ensure cross references exist. The idea was that by reviewing and working on this documentation the contributors would be better equipped to work directly on the issues in the SafeMarkup::set()
Mid-morning Cottser led a participatory demo with the whole group of a dozen or so sprinters, going through one of the child issues of the meta and ending up with a patch. This allowed us to walk through the whole process and think out loud the whole time.
The Benjamin Melançon XSS attack in action. Having some fun while working on our demo issue.
By this time we had identified some common patterns after working on enough of these issues.
By the end of Saturday all of the sprinters including brand new contributors were collaborating on issues from the critical meta and the issue stickies were flying around the room with fervor (a photo of said issue stickies is below).
Then we had dinner :)
Sunday morning
drupal.org was down for a while.
We largely picked up where we left off Saturday, cranked out more patches, and joelpittet and Cottser started to review the work that had been done the day before that was in the “Needs Human” column.
Our sprint board looked something like this on the last day of the sprint.
Thank you
Thanks to the organizing committee (peezy, leslieg, cwells, and kbaringer), xjm, effulgentsia, New Hampshire DUG, Seacoast DUG, Bowst, Drupal Association, Digital Echidna, and all of our sprinters: cdulude, Cottser, cwells, Daniel_Rose, dtraft, jbradley428, joelpittet, kay_v, kbaringer, kfriend, leslieg, lokapujya, mlncn, peezy, sclapp, tetranz.
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