phpBB Forum Integration - Is A Complete Rewrite Needed?
Update: March 10, 2013
I've created a potential successor to phpBBforum, phpBB Single Sign-On.
The phpBB Forum Integration module is a Drupal module written by a clever software developer, Vadim, that integrates phpBB with Drupal.
I first got involved a few months ago when I wanted Drupal users on my site to be automatically logged into phpBB.
After a few weeks of pouring over the code while trying to fix bugs that were posted to the issue queue, I decided there was too much code for me to ever understand in a reasonable amount of time.
Technically, once you have phpBB Forum Integration up and working, it seems to continue to work just fine. However, adding or changing features, or improving integration with other Drupal modules, is out of the question for me now.
After talking with some other developers about this issue, I realized that I wasn't alone and that this module would greatly benefit from a complete rewrite.
If I were to rewrite it, I would:
- break up the monolithic module into several smaller modules
- add plenty of hooks so that other developers can easily create their own module to add new functionality
- create a screencast tutorial on how to install and configure this module and phpBB
- write automated tests for all of the most important functionality
- use classes whereever possible to ease the readability of the code