Permissions Lock module released
Today I released the Permissions lock module on This module allows you to have better control over what users having the 'administer permissions' permission can actually configure.
By adding a lock to one or more permissions and / or user roles, you remove that permission / role from the permissions table at admin/user/permissions. Only users who are granted unrestricted access can then change these permissions anyway.
This is specifically useful when you want to give certain users (e.g. clients) access to modify the permissions on the permission table, but you don't want them to mess around with *all* permissions. For example permissions related to content types, themes, Views, etc... could be locked, so only users in roles you really trust would be able to get those permissions, and thus change the settings of these critical components of your website.
So go check out this handy module at its project page, and let me know any bugs or problems you might encounter with it.