An overview of changes in Display Suite 7.x-2.x
In a previous article, we already gave you a sneak peek of the upcoming changes for Display Suite. More than two months later and a lot of coding, the new branch is ready to start testing. In this article we'll highlight the biggest changes.
Menu structure and discoverability
The main task of Display Suite is simple: configuring the display of your content. For new users, it took a while before they understood how they could get that 2 column layout on their basic page because of two major problems:
- The main menu entry point at admin/structure/ds leads you to another overview screen with, depending on other settings and/or enabled modules, new options. The main task, namely configuring that layout, was not even the first one. And it was cryptically named as ‘layout’.
- On the “Manage display” screen, the vertical tab on the default view mode, which usually is the first one you click on, underneath the table wasn’t visible enough to give users the hint that they should choose a layout before the magic starts.
So we completely changed the menu structure for this. Clicking on Display Suite now leads directly to the overview of all available displays, with the most important one, namely, all content types available in your current Drupal website. Other functionality like fields and view modes have been converted to a menu tab.
Besides that, the layout tab is now always the first with some new enhancements as well.
Previews and default fields
Nothing feels better to actually know how your template looks like. In the past, the only way to for site builders to get a bit of a hint, was reading the descriptions in the select box carefully. Or worse, switching over and over until they found the exact layout they want. From now on, selecting a layout will show you a preview image of how the structure looks like. Ajax, oh, we love you. Changing a layout will also show you the previous and next state, so you can’t miss anymore. And it gets better: from now on, when first selecting a layout, default fields will be inserted into the first known region. Imagine you have already configured formatter settings of an image and the body: you will not lose them anymore after selecting a layout.
Configurable wrappers per layout
In Display Suite 7.x.1.x layouts and regions were traditionally wrapped inside a div. It was possible to choose a different wrapper for regions and the layout inside a template. This has several drawbacks.
- You have to create your own custom templates in code
- Each sets of wrappers needs a custom template.
To overcome this problem we decided to make the wrappers configurable in the user interface. This increases the flexibility of the layouts a lot. At this moment we support the following wrappers:
- div
- span
- section
- article
- header
- footer
- aside
Sometimes a group of fields listed in a region doesn't belong to the same wrapper. You can group a set of fields inside one region with fieldgroup. As of today there is an HTML5 formatter for fieldgroup that provides the same HTML5 wrappers we added to Display Suite.
All these changes turn Display Suite into a flexible HTML5 layout builder. To make this possible we had to add more php code to the templates. But as a bonus, they now work on both display and form. If you want to create your own custom template it is advised to use the built in drush script.
- $ drush ds-build "Two regions" --regions="Region 1, Region 2"
- $ drush ds-build "Several regions and css" --css=1
Hide empty regions
We have removed the 'Hide empty region' checkbox. Instead, we ship with fluid and non fluid templates. The logic now happens inside the template to print or hide a region with or without content in it. This may seem dramatic, but it's actually a better way of working. Choose your layouts wisely now when configuring a display.
Field template settings
One of the hardest coding parts for this branch was moving the field template settings, an option in the Extras module, into the cogwheel on the right, instead of a link triggering a fake formatting screen. This benefits both frontend and backend performance, since we do not print all field template form elements for every field on the manage display screen. It’s now only loaded when configuring a single field. The 'expert' field template now has full control over the field template including (default) classes and attributes.
There are still some tiny problems with this conversion, but the basic functionality is working fine.
Alter before you print
While the layouts in combination of fields gives you great flexibility to decide which content should be printed, there are still use cases where you do want to override a configured layout just before it's sent out to the template file. This was impossible in DS 1, but we now introduced hook_ds_pre_render_alter so you can make any changes you have to. Add new fields, switch them in regions, add new regions .. you name it, it's all possible now.
Upgrade path
With all the changes we listed so far, we have decided to not support an upgrade path between both branches. It’s not that we want too, it's simply because we know for sure sites will break, especially with the changes on template level. We don't want you to reconfigure your site together. Both branches are still supported, however, new features will only go into the second branch. So for existing sites, keep using the first branch. For every new site, you can start using the second one - or wait at least for an official release.
Call for testers and coders
We expect to roll out at least one release candidate at the beginning of june and a full release at the end of june, maybe somewhere just after the Drupal Dev Days in Barcelona. We will test this ourselves extensively the next coming weeks, but we invite you to test along with us and report any bugs you might find. Patches are always better of course. There are 2 critical issues remaining in the queue which need special attention from both site builders and theme developers.
- due to the changes in the template system, we still need to decide how themes, like the Mothership, should provide layouts that can work for both versions of Display Suite.
- the cogwheel needs some fixes to not print out summaries for fields that aren’t allowed to use the field templates, e.g. preprocess fields. Consequently, the field template options can not be available either, but for some the label should remain.
We have plenty other subtle changes and a couple of new features. A full overview is available at However, a screencast is always better than words, so we recorded one for your viewing pleasure. Sit tight, grab some coffee and enjoy watching. The screencast is also embedded at the end of the post.
Thanks to all who helped
Usually, I don’t get so melodramatic, but sometimes thanking people can be fun, so here goes. I’d like to thank Bram "aspilicious" Goffings for accepting an internship at Krimson working almost full time during that period to get these changes rolling. He's also co-author of this post. Bojhan and Yoroy, our UX gatekeepers who assisted us in the issue queue with great screenshots, sketches and layouts. Pfrenssen, mrfelton and frega helping us out during the 3 days Easter Display Suite sprint. And last, but not least, Krimson for trusting me and jyve that this was worth doing. Maybe another last one: to all those 20K+ installations using our software. The steadily growth and feedback from everyone out there is what keeps me motivated to make this as good as possible!
We’re excited, we hope you will be as well!