Open Monumentendag
Once again Heritage day was a huge succes.
About 400 000 visitors visited Flanders monuments and heritage sites last Sunday. The Open Monumentendag website received more than double the amount of last year's visitors.
Visitors to the website organised their day out by using the powerful search tool we built that allowed them to search for activities and sights at their desired location. Not only could they search by location (province, zip code, city name, km range) but also by activity type, keywords, category and accessibility. Each search request being added as a (removable) filter for finding the perfect activity.
By clicking on the heart icon, next to each activity, a favorite list was drawn up. Ready for printing and taking along as route map.
Our support team monitored the website making sure visitors had a great digital experience for a good start to the day's activities.
Did you experience the ease of use of the Open Monumentendag website? Are you curious about the know-how we applied for this project? Read our Open Monumentendag case.