New versions of Pathauto released!: 5.x-2.3 and 6.x-1.1
Today, I've tagged and created release nodes for Pathauto 5.x-2.3 and 6.x-1.1. This means a bunch of bug fixes, updated (and new) translations, and much, much cleaner code. It also means a SimpleTest for the 6.x branch (thanks Gábor!). And it also, also means that 6.x-2.x is now the focus of Pathauto development, with new features going in (a couple of things have already gone in).
Oh, yeah. I'm the co-maintainer of Pathauto. As I mentioned in the first post, when 6.x was released, I started helping out with the modules I wanted to use for this site, of which one was Pathauto. Tripping over an issue about making transliteration being handled by the Transliteration module, I made a patch for this. I also helped with other things, and when I poked Greg (the Pathauto maintainter), he then came back at me and asked me to become a co-maintainer. I said I needed to think about it, so after having done this (and talked about it with catch), I decided to accept. Since then, Greg and I have managed to push in quite a bit of code, which makes both 5.x-2.3 and 6.x-1.1 far superior than their predecessors, if I may be so bold. So. Yes. Go update and check them out (and do leave a ticket if you should happen to run into any bugs)! =)