The New
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As one of the world's premier cancer centers, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center is committed to exceptional patient care, leading-edge research, and superb educational programs.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center's broad mission requires that the design and information architecture serve a wide variety of audiences, each of whom are interested in very different content. For example, each aspect of MSKCC's mission, treatment, research, and education, has a dedicated landing page. A newly diagnosed cancer patient generally is interested in seeing only information about their specific cancer type while a postdoctoral student might want to view a researcher within a given research program or department. The primary goal for the redesign was to better address the needs of the wide variety of MSKCC's users, while cleanly conveying their mission.
Take a video tour of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center’s redesigned website.
Key modules/theme/distribution used: ACLAdministration menuAdmin roleAutocomplete Widgets for Text and Number FieldsBetter FormatsCCK RedirectionCKEditor Link - A plugin to easily create links to Drupal internal pathsCollapse TextComputed FieldContent AccessContent TaxonomyDateBeautyTipsDiffCoderDevelEmail FieldEmbedded Media FieldExternal LinksFileFieldFile (Field) PathsFilter permissionsHierarchical SelectImageFieldIMCEInsertJavascript AggregatorjQuery pluginsjQuery UpdatejQuery UILDAP integrationLightbox2LinkLocationMailChimpMasqueradeMenu attributesMenu PermissionsMenu blocknodeorderNode RelationshipsNodewords: D6 Meta TagsPanelsPrepopulatePrinter, email and PDF versionsRevisioningRole DelegationRulesSelect (or other)SevenStrongarmTheme developerThird Party WrappersViewfieldVertical TabsWysiwygFieldset helperViews Bonus PackViews HacksWeightZenTeam members: jrockowitzNinja