New Docs Challenge and Our Last Winner
New Challenge!
I was inspired by discussions of Drupal's online documentation on this week's Drupal Easy podcast. The importance of our docs cannot be understated! Thus, our brand new Module Off challenge is centered on Drupal's code docs. Here's the challenge:
Fixing up or adjusting parts of Drupal's code docs is a great way to dip your toe into the wonderfully warm pool of core development. In fact, my first ever core patch was a docs update! It's a great way to learn how to create/submit patches without a deep understanding of the complexities of Drupal's innards. This Module Off challenge asks you to submit a recent commit that you made to help Drupal's core code docs. If you want to make a screencast talking about the process, or showing the code before and after, more power too you! At a bare minimum, to take home this challenge, we'll need a link to the issue, and a brief description of what you did.
Make doc commits all the time? Now's your time to show off! Never worked on core before? Here's your chance to get started. Go to it!
We hope to see some really great submissions! There's an awesomely-free 6-month BuildAModule subscription for the winner!
Previous Challenge
Our last challenge asked you to demonstrate the use of the batch API. Alexander Ross submitted an awesome example of the API's use. If you've never used the Batch API before, the example is amazingly clear, so check it out!
Tags: Drupal Planet