My contribution to the DrupalCon opening session
I wasn't in Prague on the first day of DrupalCon, but that didn't stop me from contributing to the opening session. Here is the "song" that I "sang", with all of the lyrics. Enjoy!
My contribution to the DrupalCon, Prague, opening session.
I am the very mo-del of a Dru-pa-list de-vel-o-per
I’ve pu-blished code, and had some beers with every core con-tri-butor
I know the seven function stack, I’ve got it in my memory
From al-tered forms to en-ti-ties, oh these are el-e-mentary!
I’m very well a-cquain-ted too, with da-ta-base ab-strac-ter-y
and all the boot strap sta-ges through, of that I have a mas-te-ry
Debug-ging is my mi-ddle name and o-o-p my favorite game
An object can in-stan-ti-ate from this here sta-tic fac-tor y !
For clear-ing cache I’ve got a trick, a
py-thon script that's really slick it
it-er-ates on foreign keys,
and JOINS them using P-H-P
While laun-ching sites I say out loud
Your code de-serves to see the cloud
Where sca-ling is co-mmod-i-ty
and ba-ckups come for al-most free
If selling's what you want to do
I have the best most modern clue
you kick-start sales and save time too
when co-mmerce is your sho-pping tool
And now you are at Dru-pal-Con
where code sprints form a ma-ra-thon
and A-cqui-a and Lull-a-bot and Co-mmerce Guys and Wun-der-kraut
Are won-de-ring day in and out
what Dru-pal 8 is all about
Are won-de-ring day in and out
what Dru-pal 8 is all about
and A-cqui-a and Lull-a-bot and Co-mmerce Guys and Wun-der-kraut
Are wondering day in and out
what Dru-pal 8 is all about
A web site needs some mo-du-als to get you lots of vi-si-tors
a task that Drush makes tri-vi-al but make sure you have sem-a-phores
And theming is a sim-ple task with C-S-S and Ja-va-script
but Eaton says you should not use the en-ti-ty con-stru-ction kit
Now if you want some firm advice you need not ask me even twice
I’ll offer it at half the price because I see you’re rather nice
A warning stems from ancient lore
That junior devs should not ignore
The wrath of Dries and much much more
befalls thee should you hack on core
I am the very mo-del of a Dru-pa-list de-vel-o-per
I’ve pu-blished code, and had some beers with every core con-tri-butor
I know the seven function stack, I’ve got it in my memory
From al-tered forms to en-ti-ties, oh these are el-e-mentary!
Tags: Drupal Planet