This month in Drupal Documentation
This is the 'almost' monthly update from the Documentation Working Group (DocWG) on what has been going on in Drupal Documentation. Because this is posted in the Core group, comments for this post are disabled, but if you have comments or suggestions, please see the DocWG home page for how to contact us. Enjoy!
Notable Documentation Updates
- Kåre Slettnes (kaare) contributed a great number of docs on using emacs for Drupal development:
- owenpm3 updated the documentation for disabling modules:
- Jay.Chen wrote documentation for the mmenu module.
- erok415 updated the Open Atrium 2 documentation:
- The installation guide saw quite some updates and progress was also made on the theming documentation for Drupal 8
- Many people updated Drupal 8 documentation about, among others, configuration management, migrate, state & block API
Thanks for contributing!
Since our last post from August 1, 223 contributors have made 657 documentation page revisions, including 4 people that made 20 or more edits (thank you erok415, Jay.Chen, iantresman & drumm) and one person that did a whopping 66 revisions (keep rocking kaare!).
Report from the Working Group
- We are preparing a Documentation sprint at DrupalCon Amsterdam where we hope to finalize the work on the Drupal 8 help texts (to help out, see We will also make a start with creating or updating docs for the D8 core modules. We'll be using documentation issue tag "docsprint" to tag issues that we think will be good for sprints, over the next two months especially.
- After an initial period of setting up the DocWG, we have now opened up the monthly meeting of the Documentation Working Group to anyone who would like to attend. Let me know if you want to join the meeting.
Documentation Priorities
The Current documentation priorities page is always a good place to look to figure out what to work on, and has been updated recently.
If you're new to contributing to documentation, these projects may seem a bit overwhelming -- so why not try out a New contributor task to get started?