Modern testing: part 1
Testing has become an important topic in recent years thanks to the explosion of testing technologies and continuous integration (CI) approaches but also due to the need for an ever-widening range of tests for a variety of use cases. For many developers, understanding how to incorporate testing into their development workflows can be daunting due to the many terms involved and, worse yet, the many tools available both in software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies and in open-source ecosystems like Drupal. Yuriy Gerasimov (Senior Back-End Engineer at Tag1 Consulting) presented a session at DrupalCon New Orleans about modern testing approaches and how to decide on the correct suite of tests for your software development workflows. In this four-part blog series, we analyze the concepts in contemporary testing approaches that you need to know in your day-to-day and why they can not only protect but also accelerate your project progress. In this first installment, we take a look at how to sell testing as an important component of client (your stakeholders) projects, as well as why automated testing is an essential component of any web implementation. Why testing? Many people around the web development landscape have heard of testing, but when you ask about... Read more
Wed, 01/15/2020 - 08:23