Measuring email campaign sales with Drupal Commerce and MailChimp
Measuring how much sales are generated from an email campaign becomes easy with Commerce MailChimp module. It connects your Drupal Commerce store to MailChimp, giving you intelligence about how certain email campaigns are performing. You can use that information to create messages that seamlessly fit the needs of your customer. In general the more you're able to meet customer needs the healtier your business will be, so let's have a look at how we do that.
MailChimp campaign ROI with Drupal Commerce
This tutorial shows you the R-part of your ROI for your MailChimp email campaigns. Automatically incorporating the investment part can be a bit more tricky - think labor cost, advertising cost, etc. MailChimp's Analytics360 can help you connecting your website traffic tool to MailChimp campaign data. This would require you to send Drupal Commerce eCommerce data to your website traffic tool. Modules like Commerce Google Analytics can help you with that. I've written a tutorial about ROI measurement for MailChimp Campaigns with Drupal Commerce in the step by step tutorial on this other page.
Configure a Drupal Commerce store
You'll need a Drupal Commerce store for this. You can easily install a Drupal Commerce store with my basic guide on how to work with Commerce Kickstart. Commerce Kickstart allows you to install a fully functional Drupal Commerce store from scratch.
Configure MailChimp module
Make sure you configured MailChimp module for Drupal. If not, have a look at this tutorial on how to configure it the right way.
Configure Commerce MailChimp module
Drupal Commerce needs to send its order data to your MailChimp account. Learn how to set that up in this tutorial on how to connect Drupal Commerce to MailChimps eCommerce360.
Enable Ecommerce360 in your MailChimp Campaign
If you’ve never created a MailChimp campaign before have a look at this tutorial on how to do it.
At the second step of creating an email campaign from your MailChimp account, make sure to click on the ‘even more options’ setting and check the box at ‘Add Ecommerce360 Tracking To All URLs’.
View the Reports
Purchases made after clicking a link in this email campaign will be accumulated to the total sales revenue of the campaign.You can see what sales where made through a certain campaign. To view these sales click on the ‘Reports’ tab in your MailChimp account. Click on the title of the campaign you want to see eCommerce statistics from, and click ‘Ecommerce Reports’. You’ll be presented with a screen like below. After a while the campaigns eCommerce data will show up.
More about viewing the MailChimp eCommerce360 data in this MailChimp tutorial.