Magazine module in the works
After some playing around with static pages, books, and a variety of other organization techniques for my magazine content, I've decided that there are just some key features I want to implement that I don't see in existing modules. Thus, I'm undertaking the creation of a "magazine" module. Here are core features that I'm building in ...
1) Hierarchy Taxonomy Organization. The magazine will have a two-tier taxonomy at minimum - the top tier will represent issues and the second tier will represent sections within each issue. Subsections will be optional, requiring a three tier hierarchy if implemented
2) Permissions - I've got four access rights defined. "Access Current Issue" will allow access to the current issue of the magazine. "Access Magazine Archive" will allow access the magazine archive. "Maintain Magazine" will allow administrators to create new magazine pages.
3) Menu links - An archive link is added to the menu with will provide access to a summary page listing each magazine in the archive. Links are provided to maintain and ad new magazines under the administrator link.
4) Creating a new issue - Each issue will be identified by a taxonomy term at the top level of the magazine taxonomy. The lowest level of the magazine taxonomy will be a container for teasers to stories published in the magazine. Each teaser will support the inclusion of a thumbnail image, title, author, summary and link to a story. Administrative options for new issues include setting a publication data, option to promote the issue Table of Contents to the front page on the publication date.
5) Cron - Issue will be published on a schedule specified in the issue configuration. Publication of a new issue will automatically move the prior issue to the archive. New issue will automatically be promoted to the front page if administrator requires it.
6) Provided that it's not too challenging I'll implement a hook into the RRS system so that RRS feeds are automatically updated on the publication of a new issue.
If anyone out there has additional recommendations or requests I'll consider them as I work on the module. Once I have a stable release I'll submit it.
- Mac