Looking for another Drupal 7 co-maintainer
I selected David Rothstein as my co-maintainer for Drupal 7 back in May of 2012. Since then, David has done a tremendous job shepherding the Drupal 7 release, paying very careful attention to the ramifications of any given patch and allowing ample time for "real world" testing before incorporating changes into the code base, ensuring that the code powering 2% of the Internet stays stable and performant.
However, after nearly 4 years of excellent stewardship on his own, David would like to also focus on other endeavors, including Drupal 8. Now the time has come to select an additional co-maintainer for Drupal 7. While David himself has recommended some excellent candidates, I'd also like to open the call out more broadly, to see if there are others who have an inclination and interest.
The Drupal core maintainer handbook contains comprehensive documentation on everything that a release manager does. In particular, the ideal candidate has the following traits:
- Ample experience building "real world" sites/platforms on Drupal 7, particularly high-performant sites, sites with millions of records, or other edge cases.
- Ample experience performing detailed and thorough technical reviews of patches, being particularly mindful of their effects on existing sites.
- Ability to communicate calmly and respectfully when critiquing code.
- Solid knowledge of Git and the Drupal.org release process.
- Ideally, sponsored time to work through your employer to maintain Drupal 7, particularly around the first and third Wednesdays of the month, which are the Drupal core release windows.
Please either respond here or use my contact form if you'd like to be considered as a potential Drupal 7 co-maintainer. Thank you!