Link categorization with flagging forms, dialogs, and some other UI fun
One of the great tools in Drupal is flags – it’s the big red button. If R.A. the Rugged Man and Vinnie Paz put together a Drupal site it’d have things to punch on it, and those things would be flags. Drupal 7 has added several tools that massively extend flags – Flagging Form which may be further extended by the Dialog module. And to improve the UI a bit we used the Improved Multi Select widget – thanks to Rooby for a recent shout out – tracked your profile and was stoked to start using this
For those who want a brief overview of the tools
A flagging form with term reference and improved multi select in dialog box
And this is again one of those cases where seeing drupal connect various modules together for net gain is pretty sweet.
The Flag set up is pretty straight forward – for our use case we here’s our flag edit page. Then once that’s done we added a simple term reference field in to the fields section of the form (this is, of course, where flagging form came in handy)
flag setup with dialog box for the form
Adding the fields is straight forward enough that if you know anything about fields you should be able to do your thing. After that the only step left in this recipe is creating the view that lets you flag content. This too is fairly standard
flag links in views
One thing that still doesn’t work is our taxonomy depth filters. Because the terms are attached to the flag and not directly to the content it’s possible to use contextual filters to return content that is appropriately tagged, however the “With Depth” filters do not work as expected. If anyone has any thoughts on this I would be most grateful.