Let's Meet the Candidates!
Nominations are now closed for the single At-Large seat on the Association Board of Directors. We have an astounding 24 candidates from 14 different countries running for this seat. We are so thrilled that so many of you are so invested in our community that you are taking this step. As with any election, we want to have an informed electorate. So - we invite you to get to know these candidates in a couple of important ways.
Learn about the candidates online.
Check out the slate of candidates and read what they had to say about their backgrouns and interest in serving on the board. Each candidate page also features a comments section where you can ask about their plans, hopes, and views for the Association and the project. We only ask that you use this comments section as a place to ask questions, not endorse candidates please.
Join a Meet the Candidates webcast.
In addition to the candidate profiles, we arfe hosting three live question and answer sessions where you can chime in and hear from the candidates directly. Not all candidates will be on each call, but don't worry! If you aren't able to connect with a candidate in one of the sessions, we will be recording them, so you can check them out later. Here are the sessions:
Session One : Tue 24 Feb 2015 at 16:00 UTC
- 8 AM PST Tue 24 Feb, US and Canada
- 11 AM EST Tue 24 Feb, US and Canada
- 1 PM Tue 24 Feb, Sao Paulo Brasil
- 4 PM Tue 24 Feb, London
- 12 AM Wed 25 Feb, Beijing
- 3 AM Wed 25 Feb, Sydney Australia
Session Two: Wed 25 Feb 2015 at 00:00 UTC
- 4 PM PST Wed 25 Feb, US and Canada
- 7 PM EST Wed 25 Feb, US and Canada
- 9 PM Wed 25 Feb, Sao Paulo Brasil
- 1 AM Thu 26 Feb, London
- 8 AM Thu 26 Feb, Beijing
- 10 AM Thu 26 Feb, Sydney Australia
Session Three: Thu 26 Feb at 20:30 UTC
- 12:30 PM PST Thu 26 Feb, US and Canada
- 3:30 PM PST Thu 26 Feb, US and Canada
- 5:30 PM Thu 26 Feb, Sau Paulo Brasil
- 8:30 PM Thu 26 Feb, London
- 4:30 AM Fri 27 Feb, Beijing
- 7:30 AM Fri 27 Feb, Sydney Australia
I hope we'll hear from you during this important part of the elections process. And mark your calendars - voting begins on March 9!