Join me at the Devsigner conference in Portland this May: Designers and developers join forces!
Devsigner is celebrating the cross-overs, the multi-disciplinarians, the coders who paint and the designers who send pull requests — and those who want to develop some new left-right brain skills.
We’re looking for folks to break out of their familiar meetup silos and apply their knowledge across the crafts of development and design.
Join me at Devsigner in Portland, Oregon, May 23-25!
Tickets are now on sale, and session submissions are open until this Friday, May 2!
Sessions will include things like:
- responsive web development for graphic designers
- color theory for coders
- industrial design for web apps
- why bad user experience is a bug
- what web technologies can learn from analog design
- iterative design in open-source communities
- your great idea — submit a session now!
We’re going to mix it up with a variety of session formats:
- Traditional presentations (45-60 minutes)
- Panel and roundtable discussions (45-60 minutes)
- Hands-on, deep-dive workshops (2 hours Friday, 3 hours Saturday and Sunday)
- Lightning talks on Saturday night (more information to come)
We’re also kicking off the event with a keynote presentation from a surprise guest!
Who should attend?
- graphic designers who want to hone their web design chops
- developers who want to the beauty of their projects to match the beauty of their code
- artists who are tired of ugly or unusable websites
- branding experts who want to tell developers a story about the cobbler’s children
- Sass/Puppet/Angular/Grunt/Node evangelists who want to spread the good word
- you!
I hope to see you there!
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