Introducing Emulsify: Part 3: Drupal Integration
In the last post, we created a nested accordion component within Pattern Lab. In this post, we will walk through the basics of integrating this component into Drupal.
Even though Emulsify is a ready-made Drupal 8 theme, there are some requirements and background to be aware of when using it.
Emulsify is currently meant to be used as a starterkit. In contrast to a base theme, a starterkit is simply enabled as-is, and tweaked to meet your needs. This is purposeful—your components should match your design requirements, so you should edit/delete example components as needed.
There is currently a dependency for Drupal theming, which is the Components module. This module allows one to define custom namespaces outside of the expected theme /templates
directory. Emulsify comes with predefined namespaces for the atomic design directories in Pattern Lab (atoms, molecules, organisms, etc.). Even if you’re not 100% clear currently on what this module does, just know all you have to do is enable the Emulsify theme and the Components module and you’re off to the races.
Components in Drupal
In our last post we built an accordion component. Let’s now integrate this component into our Drupal site. It’s important to understand what individual components you will be working with. For our purposes, we have two: an accordion item (<dt>, <dd>
) and an accordion list (<dl>
). It’s important to note that these will also correspond to 2 separate Drupal files. Although this can be built in Drupal a variety of ways, in the example below, each accordion item will be a node and the accordion list will be a view.
Accordion Item
You will first want to create an Accordion content type (machine name: accordion), and we will use the title as the <dt>
and the body as the <dd>
. Once you’ve done this (and added some Accordion content items), let’s add our node template Twig file for the accordion item by duplicating templates/content/node.html.twig
into templates/content/node--accordion.html.twig
. In place of the default include function in that file, place the following:
{% include "@molecules/accordion-item/accordion-item.twig"
with {
"accordion_term": label,
"accordion_def": content.body,
As you can see, this is a direct copy of the include statement in our accordion component file except the variables have been replaced. Makes sense, right? We want Drupal to replace those static variables with its dynamic ones, in this case label
(the node title) and content.body
. If you visit your accordion node in the browser (note: you will need to rebuild cache when adding new template files), you will now see your styled accordion item!
But something’s missing, right? When you click on the title, the body field should collapse, which comes from our JavaScript functionality. While JavaScript in the Pattern Lab component will automatically work because Emulsify compiles it to a single file loaded for all components, we want to use Drupal’s built-in aggregation mechanisms for adding JavaScript responsibly. To do so, we need to add a library to the theme. This means adding the following code into emulsify.libraries.yml:
components/_patterns/02-molecules/accordion-item/accordion-item.js: {}
Once you’ve done that and rebuilt the cache, you can now use the following snippet in any Drupal Twig file to load that library [NB: read more about attach_library]:
{{ attach_library('emulsify/accordion') }}
So, once you’ve added that function to your node–accordion.html.twig file, you should have a working accordion item. Not only does this function load your accordion JavaScript, but it does so in a way that only loads it when that Twig file is used, and also takes advantage of Drupal’s JavaScript aggregation system. Win-win!
Accordion List
So, now that our individual accordion item works as it should, let’s build our accordion list. For this, I’ve created a view called Accordion (machine name: accordion) that shows “Content of Type: Accordion” and a page display that shows an unformatted list of full posts.
Now that the view has been created, let’s copy views-view-unformatted.html.twig
from our parent Stable theme (/core/themes/stable/templates/views) and rename it views-view-unformatted--accordion.html.twig
. Inside of that file, we will write our include statement for the accordion <dl>
component. But before we do that, we need to make a key change to that component file. If you go back to the contents of that file, you’ll notice that it has a for loop built to pass in Pattern Lab data and nest the accordion items themselves:
<dl class="accordion-item">
{% for listItem in listItems.four %}
{% include "@molecules/accordion-item/accordion-item.twig"
with {
"accordion_item": listItem.headline.short,
"accordion_def": listItem.excerpt.long
{% endfor %}
In Drupal, we don’t want to iterate over this static list; all we need to do is provide a single variable for the Views rows
to be passed into. Let’s tweak our code a bit to allow for that:
<dl class="accordion-item">
{% if drupal == true %}
{{ accordion_items }}
{% else %}
{% for listItem in listItems.four %}
{% include "@molecules/accordion-item/accordion-item.twig"
with {
"accordion_term": listItem.headline.short,
"accordion_def": listItem.excerpt.long
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
You’ll notice that we’ve added an if statement to check whether “drupal” is true—this variable can actually be anything Pattern Lab doesn’t recognize (see the next code snippet). Finally, in views-view-unformatted--accordion.html.twig
let’s put the following:
{% set drupal = true %}
{% include "@organisms/accordion/accordion.twig"
with {
"accordion_items": rows,
At the view level, all we need is this outer <dl> wrapper and to just pass in our Views rows (which will contain our already component-ized nodes). Rebuild the cache, visit your view page and voila! You now have a fully working accordion!
We have now not only created a more complex nested component that uses JavaScript… we have done it in Drupal! Your HTML, CSS and JavaScript are where they belong (in the components themselves), and you are merely passing Drupal’s dynamic data into those files.
There’s definitely a lot more to learn; below is a list of posts and webinars to continue your education and get involved in the future of component-driven development and our tool, Emulsify.
The post Introducing Emulsify: Part 3: Drupal Integration appeared first on Four Kitchens.