Infographic: Your Slow Website Costs You Money
John Stevens over at Hosting Facts posted an infographic that the negatives of a slow website are too significant to ignore. Slow website speed have real impacts impacts on customer satisfaction Your Conversions and Advertising revenues can go down steadily without an active formulation of your website speed.
The implosion process is so gradual that your initial assessment revolves around the areas of deficiency in your services or attributing it to a weaker product. Prospects percentage dip and the existing chunk of your customers don’t bring you additional leads.
In such a scenario, customer outreach and feedback becomes all the more important as a visibility in their ordinary website experience can be easily seen.
Not alarmingly, we came across numerous surveys, outlining some startling facts, but coming out with the similar results, which we thought we should essentially share with you.
John and Hosting Facts has provided an infographic that not just highlights some of the critical facts but also brings to light how inadequately some of our cardinal; however undermined business imperatives are measured. We encourage you to visit his website to find out more.