IE6 Update 6.x-1.4 & 7.x-1.0 Released
If you use Drupal's IE6 Update module, you'll be happy to learn that I've released version 6.x-1.4. Additionally, I've released 7.x-1.0, the first stable 7.x release. Both releases primarily addressed bugs related to multi-language websites.
If you're unfamiliar with the module, it integrates Done21's IE6 Update JavaScript file with Drupal, allowing site owners to gently recommend an upgrade to those still using the ancient browser.
What Was Addressed
For links to specific issues, look at the change logs for each commit here (6.x, 7.x). The following is a higher level explanation of the major changes.
- Translation of the display message on previous versions was implemented incorrectly. There were several ways this was handled throughout the various iterations in the module's history, but none of them were "correct" in the Drupal sense. I added documentation to the 6.x branch on how to translate variable strings, and implemented the variable_info hook in the 7.x branch. Module developers looking for information on multilingual variables need look no further than this article.
- URLs on Multilingual Sites on previous versions broke because of the logic used to generate them. I only caught this when I was looking through 404 logs and noticed some strange ones originating from language-prefixed URLs.
- The module also did not uninstall cleanly because it failed to delete its variables after being disabled.
The module was originally developed and maintained by James Glasgow. I've since become primary maintainer as James maintains too many modules to give it the attention it needs. I only got involved in its maintenance because we'd discovered an issue at my day job related to it. It was perhaps the only time a a bug had been tracked to a contrib module and was fixed within a couple of days.