How To: Using Drupal Webform for useful feedback
The Drupal Webform module is both a popular and useful module for collecting information from web site visitors.
For the most part, you can install, activate and start to create your own webforms right away. The module is pretty easy to use, well crafted and created by one of my most favorite Drupal developers.
Using webform is great when collecting valuable information, but what happens when you need a bit more. Is it possible to know where a site visitor was when they clicked on a response form? Can you determine what browser they are using, and if they use Macintosh or Windows? You sure can, and it's VERY helpful! Take a few minutes to watch this video and start collecting even more useful information.
Modules referenced
UPDATE: 11/3/09 Unfortunately, the Webform module was updated, and some of the tips in this video no longer work as expected. Here is the reasoning and also some suggestions about how to regain some of the functionality within this Drupal support issue related to webform and SERVER variables.
UPDATE: 3/16/10 A great suggested workaround was posted as a comment on this article. I replied with information about how I am now capturing the path again. Thanks andyb for the contribution!