How to build Drupal sites with automated QA testing: Webinar Apr 1, DCSF Sprint Apr 18
Automated testing has greatly improved the Drupal core development process. With automated testing over 24,500 unique core patches have been reviewed, and almost 19,000 test assertions are now run against every core patch. The result has been faster development cycle, more stable releases, and the ability to add features more quickly to Drupal core.
The benefits of automated testing are now available for contributed module developers and Drupal site owners through the addition of new functionality to the and the automated testing framework (PIFR) that integrates with Drupal core.
The leaders of the Drupal quality assurance project are holding a webinar and sprint to help contributed module developers and Drupal site owners benefit from this automated testing.
- Webinar: April 1st, 1PM EST (Webinar registration)
- Sprint: Sunday, April 18th, Drupalcon San Francisco, 9AM, Coder Lounge
Contributed module maintainers:
- There are 365 contributed modules that already have tests written for them on
- There are 46 contributed modules that currently have automated patch testing active on
- Save time by only reviewing patches that apply cleanly and pass all the tests for your modules
Site owners:
- Run your own automated testing framework to test Drupal core, contributed modules for your site, and your custom modules
- Run tests on a clone of your live site database to test how changes impact your actual site with actual content
- Run coder reviews to maintain quality and consistency of code across your code base and among many contributing developers
- Run tests that require dependencies on other contributed modules like views, and CCK
If improving quality assurance for your Drupal site is important to your Drupal site development process please contact us. We are available to help your organization get involved in improving the state of Drupal quality assurance and the open source tools that help make that possible. Our goal is to identify contributors who can improve automated quality assurance for the Drupal project.
About the presenters and sprint organizers:
Jimmy Berry and Kieran Lal have been working closely on the quality assurance platform for several years.
Jimmy Berry is the lead developer for the automated quality assurance platform used in the Drupal core development process. Jimmy works for where he develops automated quality assurance tools for's migration to Drupal 7.
Kieran Lal is the project manager for the quality assurance platform. Kieran is the Drupal community adventure guide for Acquia where he helps organizations understand the benefits of Drupal and Acquia's products to be successful with their Drupal sites.
Last summer, Jimmy was an intern at Acquia working on the quality assurance platform, reporting to Dries and Kieran. For the last four Drupalcons, Jimmy and Kieran have helped recruit and train Drupal developers at the DrupalCon code sprint to learn how to write simpletests for core. They are stepping up their efforts to improve the quality of Drupal with the support of Acquia and