Greenville Grok Drupal Meet Up
Howdy pals. My name is Chris and I work at Commerce Guys as the R&D Engineering Manager. Did you know that three of the Commerce Guys live in Greenville, SC? Recently we were talking about the Drupal community and how we could rally a group to meet up in April during Greenville Grok.
I know what you're thinking: Not another conference! While this isn't a Drupal camp, sometimes it's good to get outside the community and be the expert at what you know and talk to experts in what they know. Grok is a small web/tech conference in Greenville, SC that I help run on the side. At Grok we talk, listen, eat and drink with world class people asking a ton of hard questions, digging into great issues, and making headway on some decent real-world solutions. This conference really is what you put into it. Bring your ideas, problems, and input and you will have a blast, learn some things, and make amazing pals. If you are hoping the answers to life will be handed to you I think you have the wrong conference.