Google Summer of Code 2016 - Selected Projects
Did you know Drupal was accepted into Google Summer of Code 2016 and that 11 Drupal projects were accepted? In other words, Google is funding 11 people to contribute to Drupal for 10 weeks worth a total of $60,500 USD (thank you Google!). Congratulations to selected students who are collectively credited on more than 100 issues fixed in the past 3 months on Coding starts May 23rd and ends August 23rd.
Majority of projects are focused on work related to Drupal 8 contributed modules. Drupal's students are from 4 different continents and we currently have 26 mentors from 12 countries with over 150 years of experience on As always, we're excited about this summer and we hope community members will provide an extra helping hand if you see students in queues. Learn more about our projects below.
Project: Social API
Student: Getulio Sánchez "gvso" (Paraguay).
Mentors dahacouk (UK), e0ipso (Spain), pcambra (Spain).
Project: Solving content conflicts with merge algorithms in Drupal 8
Student: Rakesh Verma "rakesh_verma" (India).
Mentors: dixon (Sweden), timmillwood (UK), jeqq (Moldova).
Project: Port Mailhandler to Drupal 8
Student: Milos Bovan "mbovan" (Serbia).
Mentors: miro_dietiker (Switzerland), Primsi (Slovenia).
Project: CKEditor plugins for TMGMT
Student: Saša Nikolič "sasanikolic" (Slovenia)
Mentors: miro_dietiker (Switzerland), Berdir (Switzerland).
Project: Port search configuration module to Drupal 8
Student: Joyce George "joyceg" (India)
Mentors: naveenvalech (India), heykarthikwithu (India), neetu (India).
Project: Integrate Google Cloud Vision API to Drupal 8
Student: Arpit Jalan "ajalan065" (India)
Mentors: naveenvalech (India), penyaskito (Spain).
Project: Port Google Login Authenticator To Drupal 8
Student: Mehul Gupta "therealssj" (India)
Mentors: nerdstein (USA), attiks (Belgium).
Project: Media Solution Module
Student: Vijay Nandwani "royal121" (India)
Mentors: slashrsm (Slovenia), paranojik (Slovenia).
Project: Web Component-ize Drupal 8
Student: Tianlei Zheng "ztl8702" (Australia)
Mentors: skyredwang (China), Wimleers (Belgium).
Project: Add Password-based Public-key Encryption to Drupal 8
Student: Talha Paracha "talhaparacha" (Pakistan)
Mentors: nerdstein (USA), colan (Canada), jibran (Pakistan).
Project: Porting Comment alter module to Drupal 8
Student: Anchal Pandey "anchal29" (India)
Mentors: Boobaa (Hungary), czigor (Hungary).
Final call for mentors. Are you interested in helping any of the projects above? Contact Slurpee on, find us in #drupal-google on Freenode, and join us at
A special "Thank you" goes out to for providing all of our students a free account.