Global Training Days - April 2016 Summary
Global Training Days this quarter had 38 locations. Not only was this event hosted around the world, but one of the online trainings had students join from 6 continents! Some trainings came together thanks to collaborations of several partners; for example, the NYC training was jointly hosted and organized by Phase2 and Sego Solutions in partnership with Stony Brook University,, TekSystems, and NY Public Library. We also saw camps hold #DrupalGTD training sessions as part of their events at DrupalCamp Transylvania and DrupalCamp Guadalajara. Each participant helps to make the Drupal community stronger, so we'd like to say a big thanks to everyone involved!
Each training helps to make Drupal more accessible because attendees are given the fundamentals needed to get started with making their own web projects. See the full list of participants at and mark your calendar for the next training events on September 9th and 10th.
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