Getting Acquia certified
So I am an Acquia Certified Developer as of this week. Do I feel any different ?
Not really, but i’m glad I did the test a couple of days ago, as it kinda gives you a personal status update on your global Drupal knowledge.
Here’s the rundown of my experience.
Getting started
There are already a bunch of blog posts popping up sharing experiences about taking this test, even on our own Wunderkraut blog. But there are two posts I read before doing the test myself which are worth spending your time on: a post by webchick and an article by Tanay Sai. The latter has a nice overview of all the different fields of expertise, with some links to relevant documentation.
Setting up the test was actually quite a breeze. OK, you have to install the Sentinel software package, and you can’t use Chrome, but other than that I had no problems getting started using a Mac. To tell you the truth, I was expecting worse, and the fact that I managed to schedule the test only a few hours earlier was a nice suprise as well.
Doing the test
Well, as Angie recommended, I made sure I went to the bathroom and had plenty of liquids in arm’s reach.Starting the test, you have 90 minutes for 60 questions, which are all multiple choice. Some questions were actually hard to grasp from the first read. Maybe it were the nerves, but I do remember a couple of questions where I only got the question after reading it for the second time. So do take your time, although you may be pressured by seeing the time ticking away on the exam screen.
The content of the test is quite broad. Being served frontend questions as a mainly backend developer is a good way of knowing what the state of your general knowledge is, outside what may be considered as your comfort zone. So if you never did any theming work, i’d recommend looking into the theming basics. And actually it’s the other way around as well. You’re a sitebuilder/themer? Check out some backend basics too.
The questions can be tricky, giving multiple similar options which can make you doubt at times. Especially in these days of IDEs doing all the code completion work for you, you do need to have a clue about the inner works of Drupal.
Another thing is that the (code) formatting of the questions proved to be a issue in some cases, as it made it hard to distinguish all the different options.
I completed the test in about 60 minutes, even with reviewing some flagged questions. In hindsight, I should have taken more time, as I still had half an hour left and could've upped my score I guess. But it’s good to know that following my gut feeling, I went through the whole thing just fine. So now it's up to you.