Gatsby and the JAMstack: An Introduction for the Drupal/LAMP Minded
At this year's BADCamp, our Senior Web Architect Nick Lewis led a session on Gatsby and the JAMstack. The JAMStack is a web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup. Gatsby is one of the leading JAMstack based static page generators, and this session primarily covers how to integrate it with Drupal.
Our team has been developing a "Gatsby Drupal Kit" over the past few months to help jump start Gatsby-Drupal integrations. This kit is designed to work with a minimal Drupal install as a jumping off point, and give a structure that can be extended to much larger, more complicated sites.
This session will leave you with:
1. A base Drupal 8 site that is connected with Gatsby.
2. Best practices for making Gatsby work for real sites in production.
3. Sane patterns for translating Drupal's structure into Gatsby components, templates, and pages.
This is not an advanced session for those already familiar with React and Gatsby. Recommended prerequisites are a basic knowledge of npm package management, git, CSS, Drupal, web services, and Javascript. Watch the full session below.