FYI: Not going to DrupalCon New Orleans 2016
As DrupalCon New Orleans gets closer, I'm getting asked more frequently if I'm going. I'm honored to have so many hit me up and ask me directly via Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, Google HangOut, etc.The answer is NO. And here's why...Business is going super-dee-duper well and I can barely breathe. I haven't mastered the art of saying NO to new gigs, so that leaves me stretched thin and working long hours. Disappearing for a week would NOT fit well into that scenario. Going to NOLA would cost me not only the $2.5K to $3K of the event, but almost that much again in lost billables. If I don't do billable things, I can't send invoices. The work I would miss could not be made up later. Those dead hours would never see the light of day again.
Is there an ROI on these Drupal trips?I have attended 7 North American DrupalCons from 2008 to 2014. It cost a lot of money, but I am absolutely and thoroughly convinced that the ROI is incalculable. Seriously... Many of the relationships I have today within the Drupal community can be traced to a DrupalCon whether it be in a session, in the hallway, in the exhibit hall, in the hotel lobby, or at any of the numerous parties. There is no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't have the thriving business I have today had I not gone to 7 DrupalCons and many other events. In the Drupal Community, personal relationships often lead to business relationships either directly or via referral!I missed last year [and blogged about it] because my wife and I were closing on our first house purchase and it was taking longer than anticipated. Not to mention I was also swamped in work at the time.
See you next year?That is very possible. I hate the idea of missing a 3rd PreNote! And I definitely miss seeing all my friends and engaging the amazing networking opportunities. We'll see. :-)