Free Drupal Q&A call for nonprofits and social change tomorrow, Feb. 28
Tomorrow at 1PM Eastern/10AM Pacific, Johanna Bates and I will be co-hosting the monthly Nonprofit Drupal Community of Practice discussion and Q&A call.
This is a free conference call, sponsored by the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) but open to anyone. Please join us!
What will we talk about?
This is a time to chat informally with other nonprofit-tech Drupalists — an open Q&A discussion for anyone with or in nonprofits or social change groups using Drupal. But generally speaking:
- Stuck on something? Have a question? Drupal experts will be on hand to answer questions. (No question is too basic. Really.)
- Psyched about a module or a Drupal event? Come tell us about it on the call!
- What's happening with Drupal 8? Some of us know stuff. Join us, let's chat about it.
We're open to questions or topic suggestions ahead of time — just leave a comment below or message me on Twitter @rootwork.
Johanna and I will take collaborative notes on the call (notes from January's discussion are here) so if you can't make it just let us know if you'd like a link to the notes.
Join the call!
On Thursday, Feb. 28 at 1PM Eastern/10AM Pacfic, just dial in to (866) 740-1260 and enter the access code 3979222.
Talk to you soon!
Image: The BADCamp Nonprofit Summit.
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Learn about Rootwork's services for nonprofits and social change.