Foster a Culture of Training
What Are Your Values?
What really matters? People. I see our staff get married, have children, buy houses, enjoy their lives, their coworkers, and their working environment, and I know that I was part of that. They also created our value.
What You Gain
Early on we adopted this idea that we were going to train up our people, and that we weren't going to just expect them to come in all ready to go. We were going to bring people in at all different levels including having no experience at all. Over the years we found that we gained a lot from doing that, so we have much better employee retention than most of our peers. A lot of our people have been here almost since our start.
Our team is very close, and communicates very well. Think of a team as neurons in your brain. The more connections that they have, the better they communicate, the stronger the team.
They are harmonious because they've all been trained in the same way. We don't have a lot of strong conflicts about how we do things. All of our projects are done in the same way.
We're not undoing old opinions, and we also have a lot of generosity towards each other. People give you retention, loyalty, and generosity because you gave them something. You took a chance on them when they didn't have a lot of opportunities, and you invested a lot in them. We also have a lot of developers with other strengths. They are more well-rounded. Our staff includes people with many outside skills, including musicians, artists, writers, and polyglots. Their diverse cognitive frameworks help solve problems creatively.
In a culture of training, everyone values the idea of working together to teach each other. That extends not just to our own team, but to how we interact with our clients. Ultimately I find that clients often value being taught more than they value the end product.
We have this whole team of great communicators who value teaching. Whether they're the project manager, the developer, or the QA person, they're always finding that chance to teach the client something.
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