Finally -- a current Debian package
A few hours ago, I uploaded a package of Drupal version 4.3.2 to Debian unstable. This upload will hopefully fix all the critical bugs of the previous package (and introduce no new ones). Another highlight is that the package supports PostgreSQL (although this may still need some polishing).
Please submit any bugs you find in my package through the Debian bug tracking system, since that's the quickest and most reliable way of reaching my attention.
I still need some help with the following:
- Translation of debconf questions (Questions that are asked at installation time, such as "Please enter the name of the database Drupal should use.") into languages other than English, German, Spanish, and Catalan.
- Testing of the automagic database update functions
- Advice on how to resolve the remaining PostgreSQL issues: The database is owned by the Drupal user, but accessing the website fails due to permission problems in the DBMS (tested with 7.4.1)
- Hints whether there are any bugs in the code that have been fixed for the 4.3 branch since 4.3.2.
If the package turns out to work well enough, I'll start working on a 4.4-pre package soon, then we'll have a working package soon after 4.4.0 is released.
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