Drush beats CVS, part 2
So it seems like a lot of people disagreed with my previous post! :) I should mention that I'm not against CVS and the title may have been provocative, the cvs_deploy module works very well, and CVS and SVN are not mutually exclusive - you can have both in the same repository and they will happily ignore each other.
But it got me to thinking, what am I missing? I use SVN repositories for the sites that I build. I use Drush to install the modules that I need and check for upgrades. The module upgrade process is slower for me since I like to know all the details of what changed first. So I'm open to people letting me know how I could be working smarter, and how using the CVS respository could be making my life easier!
I know the comments system at onSugar is not the greatest, feel free to email me via my Drupal contact form, and I'll post the responses.