Drupal.org redesign implementation update, and sprint March 19th
The Drupal.org redesign continues to progress. This is great news and a morale boost for everyone involved.
Since our front page post on February 3...
- Over 20 enthusiastic new volunteers have come forward to lend their expertise.
- Several experienced professional Drupal project managers have been added to the project management team
- We have produced two new theming documentation. This will help the theme implementation teams standardize their implementations. See details further on.
- Contributors can sign into the new *.staging.drupal.org subsites (groups, association, api, localize, etc.) in additional to the main site now.
- We continue to need expert resources with knowledge of drupal.org data sources to assist with custom Solr development
- Trellon has checked in an alpha dashboard and we now have a beta version of the main Download and Extend page.
Once the major blockers are cleared, we will push forward with engaging the MVP implementation volunteers that signed up last year.
Our next sprint will be on Friday, March 19th from 8am PST/4pm GMT to 12pm PST, 8PM GMT. We aim to focus on theming, and completing the search generated blocks. The sprint will be held on IRC in #drupal-infrastructure.
Detailed Updates
Local Development Environments now available to redesign volunteers
- A scrubbed version of the Drupal.org database has been stripped to 200MB compressed (removing old content and private/sensitive information) so that it can be installed in a local development environment. This should help remove the technical barriers to getting themers and developers working locally.
- Local development environments will have a copy of the drupal.org database, access to the redesign code base including themes, and a Solr instance with a pre-built index. These sites do not contain drupal.org files such as patches, or graphic assets. Also, these local environments are not supported, so there's no technical support beyond installation advice.
Theme implementation
- Jeff Burnz and Darko Antic are the new Blue Cheese theme project managers. Todd Ross Nienkerk and Aaron Stanush are the theme maintainers, in an advisory/patch review role, which allows them to focus on implementation.
- Jeff and Darko have written two new theming documents, mark-up guidelines, and style guidelines, based on their conversations with Todd and Aaron. Theme guidelines will nail down CSS/theme standards for Bluecheese and Drupal.org. Jeff, Darko, Todd and Aaron will be enforcing these theme guidelines.
- Randy Fay has made some modifications so that themers can update the themes on the staging sites instantly
- The theme guidelines will be published in the Redesign group page as soon as they are ready, likely this week.
Solr implementation
- Keith Jay continues to lead Download and Extend and Bill O'Connor leads on Search Results
- We've also come up with both a hosted Solr service and a drupal.org pre-indexed Solr download to make local development easier.
- In order to move forward, we have streamlined the Download and Extend section by removing complex and redundant blocks. New mockup.
- The major blockers are new indexes added, Solr filters need to be written, and knowing where data is that populates the blocks. e.g. most downloaded.
- Makara Wang and Jonathan Hedstrom are the newest volunteers to offer to help with custom coding for Solr.
Dashboard module
- The Dashboard module, with support from several clients, has been committed to the staging servers.
Redesign infrastructure administration
- We have added five new redesign administrators: Nick Lewis (nicklewisatx), Michael Worsham (swampcritter), Ezra Wolfe (ezraw), Tata Dano (lakbaytaodev) and Andy Postini (andypost)
- Andy Postini is going to take over code repository management
- Ezra Wolfe is focusing on content migration, and will be helping to lead the team
- Michael Worsham will be helping to manage the databases
- Jonathan Wagener is working on development, staging, and production migration.
- Nick Lewis is working on the local development download.
QA, Content Migration and SEO
- The QA team has completed an assessment of the groups.drupal.org theme, but are on hold pending new development.
- Content Migration will proceed. The IRC page has been done and the About page will be next.
- The SEO team have produced some documentation that will be published in Redesign g.d.o, and they continue to be active.
Drupal.org redesign lead project managers
Kieran, Lisa, and Chris
- Two new theming documents for mark-up guidelines, and style guidelines.