DrupalEasy Podcast 195 - Reservoir
Ted Bowman and Mike Anello take some time (less than an hour!) to talk about Reservoir, a new Drupal 8 distribution focused on decoupling.
- Introducing Reservoir, a Distribution for Decoupling Drupal.
- https://github.com/acquia/reservoir - main repository.
- https://github.com/acquia/reservoir-project - Composer project to install.
- Setting up BLT with Reservoir.
DrupalEasy News
- Registration now open for the Fall, 2017 semester of Drupal Career Online.
- Summer 2017 Mastering Professional Drupal Developer Workflows with Pantheon begins mid-August
- MyDropWizard.com - Long-term-support services for Drupal 6, 7, and 8 sites.
- WebEnabled.com - devPanel.
Upcoming Events
- Decoupled Developer Days - New York City, August 19-20, 2017.
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