DrupalEasy Podcast 169 - Future President (John Kennedy, D8 Module Acceleration Program)
John Kennedy, Acquia's project manager for Lightning joins Ted Bowman, Ryan Price, and Mike Anello to talk about the Module Acceleration Program - an initiative by Acquia to help get important contributed modules finished for Drupal 8. Also discussed: DrupalCon session submissions, goodbye dependencies, new D8 committer, DA board nominations open, and 8.1!
DrupalEasy News
- The next session of the 12-week Drupal Career Online course starts in March, 2016 - visit DrupalEasy.com/dco for all the details.
ThreeSix Stories
- DrupalCon Session Submissions - Site Building track.
- Where have all the dependencies gone? - blog post by Tim Millwood. Also, https://groups.drupal.org/node/508662.
- New provisional Drupal 8 committer, Scott Reeves - focused on front-end.
- Drupal Planet now in Spanish!.
- 2016 Nominations Open for Drupal Association At-Large Director - nominations close February 20.
- 8.1.0 will be released April 20; beta begins March 2. Work focusing on Migrate UI, front-end tests, usability improvements, and bug fixes.
Picks of the Week
- Mike - Honeypot module for Drupal 8 - currently on version 8.1.22! Maintained by Jeff Geerling (geerlingguy).
- Ted - Star Wars Hour of Code Learn to code using Blockly drag and drop programming.
- John - Lightning distribution.
Upcoming Events
- DrupalCampNYC2016 - February 27th, 2016.
- Florida DrupalCamp 2016 - March 5-6, 2016.
- MidCamp - March 17-20, 2016.
- TexasCamp - April 1-2, 2016.
- DrupalDelphia - April 8, 2016.
Follow us on Twitter
Five Questions (answers only)
- West Coast Swing.
- Snapchat.
- Start an open-source movement.
- Turtles!
- Writing his first Drupal module.
Intro Music
"Agony (Coder vs Themer)" - from the DruaplCon Los Angeles pre-note performed by Campbell Vertesi and Adam Juran.
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