DrupalCamp London session: Demo Framework
While at DrupalCamp London 2014, I presented a session on Demo Framework. It was my first time speaking at a conference and I was made to feel very welcome, so thanks to the people who attended my session and asked questions afterwards!
What is Demo Framework?
It’s a distribution developed by Acquia that aids the process of introducing new users to Drupal. We use it at Deeson Online to pitch Drupal to new clients.
The session
I kicked off by explaining some of the common problems with selling Drupal as a platform before running Demo Framework to show how it can be used in a live business environment. I also demonstrated one of our own scenarios based on an organisation with requirements for group membership. You can hear the entire presentation below.
Demo framework: How do we pitch Drupal to potential clients? from Annika Clarke
Would I do it again?
Definitely! It was great to talk about something that could be really useful. I met lots of wonderful people and hopefully helped out with a problem that quite a few businesses face - so check out Demo Framework for yourself, and let me know what you think in the comments below.
Read moreDrupalCamp London session: Demo FrameworkBy Annika Clarke | 20th March 2014