DrupalCamp London: Interview with Megan Sanicki
DrupalCamp London: Interview with Megan SanickiBy Lizzie Hodgson | 8th March 2014
While at DrupalCamp London, we caught up with Drupal Association Associate Director, Megan Sanicki, for a quick video interview.
Megan highlighted key elements from her keynote speech including how:
- Drupal Association is stepping up their mission to further the project and help expand the community
- They plan to grow from 3% to 10 % of the web
- They're investing £850k to improve Drupal.org including marketing to help people understand why they should adopt Drupal 8.
A call to action
In the video, Megan also emphasises that Drupal Association want to know how they can better serve the UK Drupal community - so tell them @drupalassoc or contact them via their website.
Megan's DrupalCamp London keynote
You can also see the slide deck from her DrupalCamp London keynote below where she outlines the Association's vision and the programs being implemented to help make that happen.
Drupal Camp London Drupal Association Keynote 2014 from Drupal Association