Drupalcamp Atlanta 2013: Another Great Year!
I had the pleasure of attending Drupalcamp Atlanta 2013 on Saturday, October 19th. I would like to thank my employer, Classic Graphics, for allowing me to go and funding my registration and lodging.
When I attend camps and conferences, I have a few goals in mind:
- Go to a few sessions. I try to pick session which I think will be good to attend in person, keeping in mind that video will be provided for those I don't attend.
- Plan to hangout and catchup with Drupalers I already know. This is a great time to find out what others are excited about and to generally socialize.
- Plan to meet and talk to new people.
- "Retreat" with my co-workers. Most of the Classic development team made it to Atlanta this year. I always look forward to evening dinners with my co-workers, some of which are remote workers. I also like to discuss new ideas that we can take back to Classic.
- Collect a few key ideas that I can take back to Classic to improve our projects, workflows, and development environments.
I feel like I was able to accomplish all of the above goals!
Major topics of discussion
- Drupal 8 and the transition to Drupal 8
- This is a big topic of discussion throughout the Drupal community and it was no surprise that it was a recurring theme at Drupalcamp Atlanta. Personally, I am excited about Drupal 8 and an excited to continue diving in to it more.
- Backdrop
- This camp up in a session and a few conversations. Lots of good discussion and opinions on this Drupal fork.
- Drupalcamp Chattanooga 2013
- November 9th, 2013
- There was a brief #drupaldrama where folks at Drupalcamp Atlanta thought DrupalCamp Charlotte was the same day as Chattanooga. I quickly denied this rumor and everyone calmed down to refocus on the excitement surrounding Chattanooga's first Drupal camp.
Below are the sessions I attended. I don't know how valuable they are to you, but here are my notes from each session. I thought each of these sessions were worth my time. I did get something out of each one.
- 46 Rules and Techniques to Make Drupal Hella-Fast!
- Architecting Drupal Commerce Sites
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Drupal 8
- Toward HyperDrupal: Maturing REST on Drupal
Sadly, I was unable to attend any sprints on Sunday, October, 20th. I hope to next year.
- Learned a good bit about implementing Commerce and how it seems to make sense to make our own custom "kickstart" since we have specific integration needs which we will use over and over again in the future.
- Drupal 8 isn't scary, but I will need dedicated time to learn about it. The best way for me to learn is to dive in and start upgrading my modules.
This is the 4th Atlanta camp I have attended. It just keeps getting better each year. I want to thank Mediacurrent, the sponsors, volunteers, and attendees for making this a Drupal camp to remember. I am already looking forward to next year!
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