Drupal at OSCOM 4
OSCOM 4 is the fourth conference of OSCOM (The international association for Open Source Content Management), where all kinds of content management framework authors and users meet. This fall the conference also features an Apache Track, which means quite a few sessions on Apache Software Foundation projects, like PHP, Jakarta, and the Apache HTTP server. For the first time, Drupal will also be represented on the conference, with an introductory session.
I plan to focus the presentation on the diverse capabilities of Drupal as a community platform as well as the framework strengths of the core code. Thus the session title: Drupal - gluing people and code together. Hereby I would like to ask you to share your views on what are the essentials I need to tell about Drupal. As far as I see there are very different uses of Drupal on internet and intranet, corporate and personal, entertainment and educational sites, and I would like to shortly show how Drupal can play a good job in these roles.
What attracted you in Drupal, what do you tell others when they ask you about this system? Why have you chosen Drupal to fullfill a specific need?
By the way, if you have not known about OSCOM before, be sure to check out the conference programme. If you can manage to be around at the event, ensure that you don't miss the Drupal session.